Your Entire Technology Support Needs
All in One Small Business

Just a few of the clients we serve.

Van's Auto & Lube bought a larger facility to run their business in, and therefore, needed computer setup, security cameras, wireless bridges, etc. We serve as their sub contractor tech for continued support of these products.
The Wildlife Gallery is a local business that is comprised of a taxidermy studio and wholesale fur dressing including tanning and skinning. They have multiple buildings and locations in the area. We support their computers by replacing as needed and cleaning them every six months. Some of the buildings are large or not connected so we have setup wireless bridges and mesh networks which helps give internet to the buildings without paying for more than one internet service.

Anderson & Girls is comprised of many out buildings across their property. We have set up wireless bridge and mesh networks as well as security cameras and door locks to ensure safety measures. This allows Andersons to keep an eye on their animals at all times from the comfort of their home or while they are busy making donuts and cider.

Remus was looking for a fresh, new looking website for their township, DDA, library, museum, and Heritage Days information. We created a new website and logo and continue to maintain the site. We also assist the township by maintaining their computers and setup a wireless bridge to the park to allow for WIFI to the community.

Morton Township was looking for an IT company to service their offices and two fire station buildings.